Directions to RSMA Offices
- Leave M66 at Junction 2
- From North turn right into right hand lane of Rochdale Road
- From South turn left (stay in right hand lane on M66 exit slip road) into Rochdale Road
- Take an immediate right at traffic lights up Wash Lane
- Pass through two sets of pelican crossing traffic lights
- At third set of lights turn right into Parsonage Street
- Turn Left at mini roundabout at top of Parsonage Street into Bell Lane
- Turn right into Bridge Street (immediately after Lex/Rockside Land Rover garage)
- EITHER turn third right into Kay Street, parking on right hand side opposite Bury Business Centre
- OR turn fourth right into Porritt Street travelling to the end of the street before turning right into
Bury Business Centre car park. From this car park entrance to the Business Centre is in the courtyard
All visitors must report to reception