About Us
MedicalMonthly.com is a directory of free resources (supplied by commercial and non-commercial organisations) for patients and healthcare professionals in the United Kingdom. The web-site and content is published by PS Concepts Limited, a company that facilitates communication between patients, healthcare professionals, and healthcare organisations.
PS Concepts Limited was incorporated on 17th November 2004. The company is registered in England, registered number 4966744. The regisered office is 2 Adamson Gardens, Manchester M20 2TQ
Although every atttempt is made to ensure that requests for resources are forwarded to the relevant organisations, no reponsibility is accepted for the process after this point. Healthcareorganisations are required to confirm that they have the intention and ability to supply all items submitted for inclusion in the directory, and to keep HTML links up-to-date
The resources within the directory are the responsibility of the organisations supplying them; by submitting them for inclusion within the directory,the organisations are confirming that the items meet the standards and codes of the appropriate authorities governing the supply of medical information and materials to patients and healthcare professionals in the United Kingdom. It is important to note that the resources are not intended to replace the relationship between the patient and the healthcare professional, but to assist with education and/or health management.
If you have comments or queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Send and email to: admin@MedicalMonthly.com
Banners And Links
There is no financial charge for submitting items to the directory. Revenue to maintain the site comes from the banner advertising, for which we have a strict policy addressing the quality and standards of advertisers.
Contact Us
To contact Us, email admin@MedicalMonthly.com or visit our contact page