Name and Address |
First Name: |
Surname: |
Address: |
Telephone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Date of Birth: |
Nationality: |
Country of Birth: |
Male: |
Female: |
Language Course |
Choose one of the LAL Schools by clicking one of the buttons. |
LALMalta: |
LAL Gozo: |
LAL Torbay: |
LAL Summer Schools England - Kelly College: |
LAL Summer Schools England - Taunton School: |
LAL Fort Lauderdale: |
LAL Summer Schools USA - Lynn University: |
LAL Capetown: |
LAL Durban: |
Course Type: |
You can use the grid on pages 34 & 35 of the LAL Brochure to help you select the right course. |
Start Date: |
End Date: |
If '0' is beginner and '7' is POST ADVANCED, what is your level? (Please see the brochure page 32 for levels.) |
Arrival: |
Departure: |
Host Family:(Halfboard) |
Single Room |
Shared Room |
Single Room Breakfast Only (LAL Fort Lauderdale Only) |
Shared Room Breakfast Only (LAL Fort Lauderdale Only) |
If you select a shared room and already know who you will share with, please state their
name here: |
Residence/Hotel: |
Single Room |
Shared Room
If you select a shared room and already know who you will share with, please state their
name here: |
Do you require residence on-suite facilities?: |
Yes |
No |
Do you smoke: |
Yes |
No |
Do you require non-smoking accommodation: |
Yes |
No |
If yes please state reason |
Do you have any allergies? (eg. cat hair) |
Yes |
No |
If yes then specify: |
Any other request regarding accommodation: |
Pets , please specify any any animal that you cannot live it: |
Dogs |
Cats |
Reptiles |
Birds |
Other? Please specify: |
Please give reason: |
Do you require a transfer: |
No |
Yes |
Arrival |
From (Airport): |
To (Airport): |
On (Date): |
On (Flight code): |
Leaving at (Time): |
Arriving at (Time:) |
Departure |
From (Airport) |
To (Airport): |
On (Date): |
On (Flight Code): |
Leaving at (Time) |
Arriving at (Time) |
Insurance and Health |
(Medical insurance is compulsory in the USA and it is recommended for all other locations) |
Would you like Lal travel & medical insurance?: |
Yes |
No |
If not please state the name of your insurer: |
Policy number: |
Special Ref of Instruction |
Agency |
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